Terrell, TX

Tag: dfw (Page 2 of 3)

Spent the evening doing two of my favorite things, drinking #wine and #gardening. #saturdayfun #garden #veggies #homestead #homegrown #farmgirl #womenofagriculture #farmlife #terrell #dallas #dfw #growyourownfood (at Thrive Acres Farm)

They think about to give them treats when I really just tricked them so I could take their picture. #chickenlady #texasfarm #chooks #chickens #terrell #dallas #dfw #saturdayfun #farmlife (at Thrive Acres Farm)

Nick got me flowers! We got a variety of water lilies to beautify our pond. They’re gorgeous and I’m so excited to get them in our pond! #flowers #waterlily #watergarden #texasfarm #pond #terrell #dallas #dfw #saturdayvibes #photography #farmlife #loveourlife (at Creative Water Gardens)

He’s always ready for a picture. So much personality in such a little pig! He is now 3 months old and has finally gone over the 10lb mark. #hamlet #hammy #minipig #farmbaby #texasfarm #terrell #dallas #dfw #model #pigmom #farmlife #loveourlife (at Thrive Acres Farming)

I never knew how much joy a little pig would bring me. Pigs are such intelligent little creatures with big personalities. Hamlet is so loved by everyone at the farm. #minipig #hamlet #hammy #farmbaby #9weeksold #piglet #piglady #summerfun #texasfarm #terrell #dallas #dfw #farmlife #loveourlife (at Thrive Acres Farming)

This little man has stolen my ❤️! #hamlet #minipig #farmbaby #farmlife #texasfarm #terrell #dallas #dfw #love #mylittleman

First thing he told me yesterday when we were out was no more animals. One piglet later and that rule was out the window. Hamlet is on his way to being super spoiled. He loves to snuggle with his daddy. #piglet #minipig #farmbaby #farmlife #texasfarm #rulebreaker #growingfamily #loveourlife #terrell #dallas #dfw (at Thrive Acres Farming)

Picked some #wildflowers and #herbs on the land to make a little bouquet for Nick’s grandmother. The car smells like lavender and rosemary. It’s wonderful! #lavender #rosemary #oxeyedaisy #pincushion #catnip #clover #thistle #browneyedsusan #horsemint #farmlife #10acres #texasfarm #terrell #dallas #dfw #familytime #bouquet

This little guy is Leo Jr. He looks and has the sweet temperament just like his daddy. Today the puppies are 8 weeks old and will soon be ready to go to their new families. #cutenessoverload #puppy #pyrenees #anatolian #livestockguardiandog #farmdog #farmbaby #terrell #dallas #dfw #farmlife (at Thrive Acres Farming)

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