Went for a hike with the dogs and the pig! Hamlet was such a trooper hiking most of the 10 acres and keeping up with the big dogs. We had an awesome time exploring with all the babies. #sundayfunday #texasfarm #hamlet #hammy #minipig #livestockguardiandog #americanbully #frenchbulldog #farmbabies #hiking #10acres #farmlife #ourlittlefamily #loveourlife #thisishappiness (at Thrive Acres Farming)
Tag: farmbabies
Hamlet loves the Leo and Bailey. Even though he’s so much smaller, he tries to play with the big dogs. They are so patient and gentle with him too. #minipig #hamlet #hammy #pigmom #livestockguardiandog #greatpyrenees #anatolianshepherd #farmbabies #humpday #texasfarm #minipiglife #farmlife (at Thrive Acres Farming)